Electronic Teacher Guide

Papers & Publications

White Paper

Re-imagining A Curriculum Guide for Teachers in Digital Format: A Collaboration Crossing Geographical, Disciplinary, and Cultural Boundaries


Author(s): Kathleen Haynie, Katherine F. Paget, Jacqueline S. Miller

In this white paper, the authors share lessons learned from EDC’s National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded Electronic Teacher Guide (eTG) project–a highly collaborative initiative to redesign a print teacher guide for the genetics unit of EDC’s Foundation Science: Biology high school curriculum and to research its use by teachers. The overarching goal of this work was to provide an exemplar of a cybertool that can support teachers in improving student learning by facilitating their implementation of an innovative curriculum and enhancing their subject matter and pedagogical content knowledge. The paper describes the process that the EDC team’s curriculum developers, technology designers, software developers, researchers, and evaluators followed to successfully develop, test, and refine the eTG amidst challenges, and suggests strategies that may speed the efforts of others who embark upon similar collaborations.

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Journal Articles

The Power and Promise of a Digital Tool for Teaching Inquiry Science. K. Paget, J.Miller and W. Tally is currently under review.

Why Digital?  J. Miller and K. Paget, submitted for publication by December 1, 2015.

Book Chapter

Taking Print to Digital: An Electronic Teacher Guide, J. Miller and K. Paget will be published in C. Dede & A. Eisenkraft (Eds.), Teacher Learning in the Digital Age: Online Professional Development in STEM Education. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.