Course Introduction
LE 1:
DNA structure and function,; DNA replication; history of the discovery of DNA as the genetic material, science as a human endeavor, the nature of scientific research
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Students role play scientists whose research contributed to the understanding of the structure and function of DNA; students build a model of DNA and use it to learn about DNA replication.
LE :
DNA as a biological molecule with specific properties that are similar in all organisms, universal nature of biomolecules and cell structure
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Students isolate DNA from various organisms, describe its properties, and discuss the evolutionary implications of DNA as the genetic material.
Unit 1: Exploring the Transfer of Information from DNA to Protein to Trait
LE 2:
Nature of a gene, transcription, translation, protein structure, mutations, relationship between changes in DNA sequence and changes in traits
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Students read about a scientist’s plan to use DNA as a way of sending secret messages; students decode the language of DNA, and model transcription and translation; students explain how information moves from DNA to proteins to traits, and analyze the impact of mutations on proteins and traits. Students use their understandings to explain Griffith’s classic experiment.
LE 3:
Relationships among DNA, protein, and traits; biochemical basis of traits; making genetically modified organisms
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Students read about genetically modified organisms and conduct an experiment in which they insert of new gene into bacteria, giving the bacteria a new trait; students learn how new traits are inserted into plants and then decide whether they would eat a potato with a gene from a different organism, using evidence to explain their decision.
LE 4:
Chromosome structure, chromosomes as the genetic legacy, meiosis and gamete formation;, recombination, the origins of trait variation, karyotypes
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Students assume the role of genetic counselors and analyze karyotypes for a couple expecting a baby; students build a model of a chromosome and then model gamete formation and meiosis; students explain how mistakes can occur during meiosis and the consequences of those mistakes.
Unit 2: Exploring Patterns of Inheritance
LE 5:
Dominance and recessiveness, homozygosity and heterozygosity, relationship between genotype and phenotype
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Students read about sickle cell disease, use data to explain the biochemical and molecular basis of the disease, and explore patterns of inheritance; students explain why, from an evolutionary perspective, a mutated gene might be retained in a population.
LE 6:
Mendelian genetics, patterns of inheritance, Punnett squares, cross-over predicting and explaining variations in offspring, DNA analysis and RFLPs
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Students read about a man returning to a village claiming an identity; students analyze Mendel’s data and determine how variation can occur using chromosome models; students analyze molecular genetic data and patterns of inheritance to determine the man’s true identity.
LE 7:
Non-Mendelian patterns of gene expression; one gene-more than one protein principle; role of environment in trait variation
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Students consider patterns of height variation in their class and speculate how this might occur; students read descriptions of various traits and identify the non-Mendelian mode demonstrated; students apply their understanding of non-Mendelian traits to the trait of height.
LE :
Epigenetics: the effect of environment on gene expression
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Students read about changes that occur in identical twins as they age. Students build a model of chromatin and investigate how methylation affects gene expression. Students use their understandings about epigenetics and the effects of environment to explain changes in gene expression.
Unit 3: Exploring the Evidence for Evolution
LE 8:
Meaning of theory in science; fundamentals of evolution; evolution, natural selection as the driving force and the outcome of a process involving environmental influences and genetic variation
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Students review their prior knowledge about evolution and discuss natural selection as the driving force of evolution. Students consider the meaning of the word “theory” in science. They create an evolutionary timeline. They then read about whales return to the sea from land. Students propose an explanation based on their understanding of ecosystems, carrying capacity, population dynamics and natural selection and describe the evidence they might need to support this explanation.
LE 9:
Mechanism of natural selection, role of variation mutation in natural selection, changes in the gene pool of a species as the basis for all evolutionary changes
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Students read about mutating bacteria as a world health crisis; students conduct an experiment to determine how bacteria develop antibiotic resistance and discuss how the development of resistant strains of bacteria is the result of natural selection; students discuss the importance of understanding evolution to life in the modern world.
LE 10:
The nature of scientific evidence; similarities and differences among the biochemical and molecular structures and functions of organisms; relationships between molecular and anatomical evidence for evolution
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Students identify similarities among seemingly very diverse organisms, interpret an experiment, and analyze data relating to gene homologies among different organisms; students are challenged to create a model of evolution that accounts for the molecular and anatomical evidence; students determine how cladograms can provide information about the relatedness of organisms.
LE 11:
Anatomical homologies; nature of fossils and the significance of fossil evidence; transitional organisms.
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Students take on the role of paleontologists looking for transition animals between fish and amphibians; students make predictions about what to look for and where based on their understanding of evolution; students revise their model of evolution based on their new evidence and understandings.
Course Conclusion
LE 12:
Using scientific concepts and their application to solve human problems
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Students use their understandings about cells, genetics, and ecosystems to design an approach to solving a human problem; students compare their approach with the approach used in the learning experiences by writing a story, designing an investigation, and creating a process for sharing and discussing findings.